Friday, May 27, 2011

Assignment #5

The summary of part five for my book was, once again, about Jake and Brett. This time it included a little more of a love triangle. Brett met a bull fighter named Romero, who adores Brett, while Jake is still in love with Brett, but Brett still does not want to be with Jake that way. Brett still has intentions of leading Jake on but doesn't want to seriously be with him. It starts off with Bill, Jake, Cohn, Romero, Brett, and Edna all hanging out and having a good time. Of course Jake does not like the fact that Lady Brett is with another guy, he would rather have her in his arms any day, but being the man he is lets it go just so that Brett could be happy. Sometime later Brett and Romero leave Pamplona to be together. After a while Jake receives two telegrams: one from Paris and the other from Pamplona. The telegrams were from Brett saying that she was "in trouble," but when Jake went to her rescue she was in no real danger. Brett just wanted to get away from Romero because she didn't want to be a girl Romero wanted her to be, she simply just wanted to be Brett. In the end of the book, Brett finally admits that she would have loved to be with Jake, but sometimes words can be spoken a little to late, even though he still feels the same.
One thing that I liked about the book was the fact that it seemed realistic. The characters and their personality, their conflicts, their love life, or their secret love life. I felt like I could possibly know somebody with these situations, I mean less mellow drama, but still feels like it would be the same. As for my favorite part, I really don't have just one I have a few. My favorite parts of the book were ones that involved Jake. He was so generous and caring. The way he treated Brett, even though she never really ended up with him, he never betrayed her and was always there for her no matter what. Favorite part, none. Favorite character, Jake! So, with that I would have to say yes, I would recommend this book to plenty of people. The entire book itself was well written and the issues these characters have, I am sure that one out of every five people can relate to them, are real issues people have in the real world. Love triangles, confusion on love, secret affairs, who are your real friends? All of this, and plenty more, are what people look for in a book; something that people can relate to.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Assignment #4

Title: More Than Friends?
Dear Abby, I am in love. I am madly in love with my friend Lady Brett. We have things going on between us as more than friends, but I feel she is only messing with my feelings and only intends to use me for sexual reasons. Yes, she may feel the same way towards me, but I would love to be more than a friend to her. An issue with that is that she is in the process of getting divorced and still seems to manage to have a few "guy" friends on the side. What I want to know is if I should just be her friend or nothing at all? Can you please help me Abby. Your friend, Jake

Dear Jake, I am glad that your wrote me telling me of your issue with this Lady Brett friend of yours. What I think is most important is that you love her but are you willing to be used by her? She may be in the middle of this divorce but she will never settle down again. I completely understand that you love her with a passion but there is always going to be another woman in the world who is worth your time. I feel that maybe just leave the "friendship" alone and start a new beginning. If you do do this there are two possible outcomes. One- she will miss you dearly and realize that she wants to be with you, or two- you will find someone whom you love so much more and finally be happy. I think your happiness is what matter the most. When you are happy you tend to lead a happy life and meet someone who makes you even happier. From what I am hearing Lady Brett is not making you any happier just a lot more confused and used. Once again I appreciate you decided to ask me. I hope you take my advice and I hope things will go great for you. Abby. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Assignment #3

Topics I would like to talk about would be Brett and Jacob's secret relationship, and the real reason why Cohn went away to the country for a bit. A character I would like to discuss would be Lady Brett, because she is an odd woman. She says she loves Jacob but wants nothing to do with him and then she's getting a divorce, but with a count. I want to know why she does what she does, and does it bring her joy to fool with peoples feelings?
A literary element would be conflict, in this section. Jacob and Brett are having a hard time finding out what they want in theirs lives. Lady Brett is flirting with other guys knowing that she loves Jacob. Jacob is wanting to just focus on his writing but can't seem to because Lady Brett is on his mind. So really, they are both having a conflict of love. Love can always be so much more than just words. It can mean someone's life and soul, which in my opinion Jacob is feeling this way while Brett is just messing with his feelings.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Assignment #2

In chapter IV page 35, Brett and Jake are driving around and I found this part of the passage most interesting. "Kiss me just...we get there." I found this part of the passage interesting because it shows how intimate Jake and Lady Brett are, even with her being married. I t also shows how affectionate Jake is towards Brett, because it seems that he loves her but she doesn't want to take things to far. Jake is willing to let the whole world know of his relationship with Lady Brett. Lady Brett, on the other hand, is married but is about to get divorced. She tells Jake that when she is with him she feels all fluttered inside. So This line in the passage is important because it shows how both Jake and Brett feel about each other.
In chapter VII page 68, the Count, Brett, and Jake are all in this passage. The count was very sincere of Brett and Jake having a thing going on, which led him to say, "You are very...married, you two?" This passage to me was important because not only do Jake and Brett know they belong together, but people they have known for less than two days. If the count has seen that they belong together then their friends must know that they have some sort of a relationship going on. They may want to hide it, but deep inside they can't because not one person can hide their feelings for the one they love. So again, if the count can see Lady Brett and Jake together I'm sure that in the near future they will end up together and live happily.